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Dream your moments, Until I Met You, Gimme Some Courage, Dark Alley, One More Of A Stranger, Endless Things, The Heartbeat Stops, Walking Promises, Desired Games and many more..

Dan, Lennart & Torgunn

Direktsändning från Superettan

Dan, Lennart & Torgunn

Musikkrysset från MHF-Radion

Dan, Lennart & Torgunn


Dan, Lennart & Torgunn

Minnen & Musik

What Distinguishes ourselves from other!

There are many variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by ready injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even is slightly believable.

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15:00 - 16:00

Minnen & Musik

Dan, Lennart & Torgunn
15:30 - 18:00


09:00 - 10:00

Minnen & Musik

Dan, Lennart & Torgunn
11:00 - 12:30


Sandvikens Kyrka
15:00 - 16:00

Musikkrysset från MHF-Radion

Ove Sandert

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Weekly Top Chart

Falling Into You

Falling Into You


Rock n Roll

Grursus mal suada Lorem ipsum.

Falling Into You
  1. Non Absolute - Chris Martin

  2. Absolute Radio - Maria Woo

  3. Music Absolute - Meda Hyat

  4. Falling Into You - Hammer

  5. Love Song - Hammer

  6. Please Hammer - Hurt 'Em

Monthly Top Chart

Absolute Radio

Absolute Radio

Maria Woo

Rock n Roll

Grursus mal suada Lorem ipsum.

Absolute Radio
  1. Non Absolute - Chris Martin

  2. Absolute Radio - Maria Woo

  3. Music Absolute - Meda Hyat

  4. Falling Into You - Hammer

  5. Love Song - Hammer

  6. Please Hammer - Hurt 'Em

Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape

Our Radio Jockey

RJ Zayeed Anwar

Breakfast Show
Sat, Mon 12:05

RJ Danial

Breakfast Show
Sat, Fri 12:05

RJ Walid

Breakfast Show
Sat, Mon 12:05

RJ Augsten

Breakfast Show
Sat, Sun 12:05

RJ Angela Mayer

Breakfast Show
Sat, Sat 12:05

RJ Velda White

Breakfast Show
Sat, Fri 12:05

RJ Seth Reyes

Breakfast Show
Sat, Wed 12:05

RJ John Miller

Breakfast Show
Sat, Sun 12:05

Our Radio Jockey